Worship on the Web -
recent recordings

The church has valued "meeting" together in a new way for worship, especially for those who are unable to come into our church building and want to worship either from home, at work or in the community.

To find out more about what we do and how to join us, please visit Worship on the Web.

Watch the latest recordings ...

Terms of use:

  • You should only watch these recordings if you are located in the United Kingdom.
  • You should not download recordings as some of the material is copyrighted and will not be covered by our licenses
2024-12-15 -  Mary, Joseph, Shepherds and Angel
Led by Revd. Jeanette Richardson
Luke 3: 7-18
2024-12-01 - Advent
Led by Jon Curtis
Matthew 1: 18-24

Church Copyright Licence (No. 14844) and Streaming Licence (No. 30627)

One License A738135.

PRS for Musicwww.prsformusic.com